Jake Mills - BSc (Hons) Interactive, Immersive and Entertainment Technology

Tell us about your course. What are you particularly enjoying about it?

I really love the diversity of the subject – you get a chance to learn lots of skills. My main strength is programming, but this course had helped me discover other strengths and interests. I struggled at school, but here I’ve discovered that it doesn’t feel like work if you’re enjoying what you do.


What made you decide on this particular course?

I studied at West Suffolk College and one of the lecturers there spotted my talent. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do but they supported me and helped give me a sense of direction.


What made you decide on University Studies?

I didn’t want to move away from home. I’m here to learn, not party. And the financial benefits of living at home are incredible. It felt like a win-win.

The uni’s links with local employers are amazing, you get a chance to talk to people who are already doing what you want to do. It’s a massive headstart.


How do you think it’s different to other places?

It’s so close-knit here. You can talk to your lecturers as if they’re friends – they’re so approachable. There aren’t thousands of other students, your tutors really know you and you know them. If you’re struggling with something, they can see and respond. But they also let you use your own initiative. You never get left behind.


What are you most proud of on your US journey so far?

I’m proud of the work I’m achieving. I’ve gone from getting just satisfactory grades to a first in every module. I’ve raised my own expectations. I’m happier and more confident, I put myself forward much more, I’m engaged in my learning and life here at US.


What’s the one biggest thing you’ve learned at US so far?

That I’m striving for my own personal growth, trying to release the best in myself. I’m not good with ‘linear’ learning, but here I’ve been able to make my own choices about what and how to study. I actually want to learn, it’s not because I have to. I’ve developed a passion for learning – and for life! The more I do, the more I learn.


What do you plan to do after graduating?

I want to go into video games design and programming.


How will US help you achieve those goals?

The quality of the teaching along with the industry engagement and real-life skills.


If you could sum up the US experience in three words, what would they be?

Engaging. Defining. Future.


If a friend was thinking of studying at US, how would you persuade them to enrol?

Do it! I really recommend it. I don’t see how any other university could offer anything better and here they offer so much industry engagement.


Rebecca Cook - BSc (Hons) Software Developement


Jane Ngwani - BSc (Hons) Sociology and Criminology