Hannah Price - BSc (Hons) Sociology and Criminology

Tell us about your course. What are you particularly enjoying about it?

I’m enjoying learning new things and absorbing all the information! I’ve loved meeting the other students – there’s a massive diversity of people here and learning about their life experiences and perspectives has been fascinating. I love the fact that the course is made up of lots of real-life, relevant examples and not just theoretical, you can see the subject’s application at every turn.

What made you decide on this particular course?

Ha! During the first lockdown I started watching loads of real-life crime programmes, and got inspired! I was feeling really incomplete in my job so I started researching how to become a criminologist.

What made you decide on University Studies?

I live at the end of the road! I rang them up and asked how to apply and they talked me through the process. I took my A Levels 15 years ago, I’ve been working ever since in banking. It was stable but it didn’t inspire me.


How do you feel US supports you in your studies?

It’s taught me what I actually want out of life, and it’s not just about money. I want meaning from my life. It’s funny, but I’m actually learning more about life here in the classroom than I am out in the world.


What are you most proud of on your US journey so far?

 Juggling three children, two part time jobs and a degree. Especially after I had such a long break from education.


What’s the one biggest thing you’ve learned at US so far... about yourself? And about your subject?

I was capable of doing so much more than I’ve ever done. It’s taught me that I don’t have to just accept the way things are – I have agency.


What do you plan to do after graduating?

I want to go into a career that I can love and excel at. I want to be able to pass on my learnings to my children and to a wider audience if I can and have a positive social impact.


How will US help you achieve those goals?

I’ll be able to have a career instead of just a job, I’ll have control over my own life through this experience.


Alison Oxborough - Access to Counselling


Reece Heathcote - BA (Hons) Applied Sport